Monday, June 20, 2011

Healthy Tips for Vacation

So you've worked hard all summer to lose weight. You've pushed yourself through grueling workouts 5 days a week and watched everyone else enjoy the ice cream sundaes at the BBQ while you settled for the fruit salad. You finally have yourself in this healthy routine and then suddenly your most longed-for time of year becomes the most dreaded: vacation. Between all the R&R and with poolside cocktails at your hand and eating out a nightly habitual, its no wonder a vacation can be a destructive influence on any diet. Dr. Wayne Andersen, author of the bestselling book "Dr. A's Habits of Health (The Path to Permanent Weight Control and Optimal Health)" wants to keep you on track with some of his healthy travel tips:

1. Before you pack, be sure to ask the hotel if they have a gym or pool and bring appropriate clothes to get some exercise. (No excuses!)

2. Bring healthy snacks for the road/plane. Items like Medifast Crunch Bars are great options because they’re satisfying, portable and contain less sodium and calories than airplane snacks or fast food options.

3. Drink lots of water. Any sort of traveling is taxing on the body and you’ll want to keep hydrated.

4. Remember that alcohol will let down your defenses and is full of empty calories and carbs. It is best to choose club soda or a diet drink with your meals.

5. Make healthy food choices. Some days you may have to have both lunch and dinner out, so make the best of it and choose wisely.

6. Don't worry about losing weight. Sometimes the stress of traveling will slow your weight loss. The main objective is not to gain weight.

7. Remember to bring your journal to jot down both memories from the trip as well as what you ate to help you keep track of calories.

8. Have a great time!

For fashionable vacation wear visit
article credited to Jen Wielgus of Phillyburbs

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